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Put that meat cleaver away, butcher boy. I'm a special kind of cow. The only living member of species Bovalunaris. You don't make steaks out of someone who's been to the moon and back.
~ Luna to the Butcher, Fables: The Last Castle

Luna is a bovine Fable who lives on the Farm and is know for being able to jump over the moon. She first appears in Fables #6 — "Road Trip: Part One of Animal Farm."



In the early nineteenth century, Luna was one of the Fables who hid at the keep at world's end and managed to escape on the last boat out of the Homelands. When the Butcher mistook her for cattle to be butchered, she ordered him to put his meat cleaver away and explained that she was the only living member of the species Bovalunaris and it was inappropriate to make steaks out of a cow who's been to the moon and back.[2]

The Farm

Luna and the moon appear in the barn at the Farm, present at a gathering of Fable creatures discussing whether they should take up arms against the Adversary. Coincidentally, Snow White arrives at the Farm just as she does twice a year to check on the Fable community there, and walks in on them. The animals are shocked when they notice her sudden presence in the room.[4]

Luna and the milkmaid are later observed sleeping in the barn at daybreak, seemingly having dozed off in the middle of the milking session. Meanwhile, the Dish and the Spoon are sound asleep in the hay alongside them.[5]

Battle of Fabletown

F26 The Cow That Jumped Over the Moon

Luna and Mr. Toad fight in the Battle of Fabletown

Luna,[6] along with numerous other Farm Fables, is enlisted to journey to New York City and join the defense of Fabletown when the wooden soldiers plot an attack on the secret Fable society.[7]

Amidst the battle, Luna, the moon and Mr. Toad participate in the fight by letting Toad ride Luna while holding a basket filled with grenades. Luna is accompanied by the moon as she leaps through the air, passing over the enemy, as Mr. Toad drops the grenades onto them.[6]

Mayoral election

Luna is observed waiting in line to cast her vote at the Farm during the election for Fabletown's new mayor.[8]

As Snow White settles into the Farm with her newborn cubs, Luna joins the multitude of animal Fables who assemble to greet their new neighbor in the Farm square.[9]

Fabletown-Imperial war

Luna is seen with a collection of animal Fables as they come across a notice posted on the Farm, summoning them to a crucial gathering in the Farm square at midday. She attends the meeting, during which Boy Blue offers the Fables living on the Farm a chance to relocate to the Kingdom of Haven and begin anew.[10]

During the war between Fabletown and the Adversary, Luna and Mr. Toad collaborate once more, with Toad riding Luna and carrying a basket brimming with grenades. Sadly, both are struck down by arrows as Luna leaps.[11] Although Luna survives,[12] Toad is not so lucky.[11]

Threat of Mister Dark

Luna is in attendance as Jack Horner speaks to the Fables, masquerading as the reincarnation of Boy Blue.[12]

Luna can be seen among the Fables gathered outside the Farm's main building as Rose Red, the leader of the Farm, addresses her fellow Fables after finally overcoming her long depression. Following that, Luna patiently queues up to have a conversation with Rose. Upon her chance to speak, she voices a grievance, expressing her desire for Rose to do something about the scarf-wearing members of Brock Blueheart's cult. Luna labels them as zealots and emphasizes her lack of trust in those who distribute pamphlets.[13]

When Beast addresses Nurse Spratt as "a fat, ugly cow," Spratt is understandably upset, but so is Luna, who witnesses the remark and says to Beast that she resents being compared with that "creature."[14]

Christmas time

When the Fables are celebrating Christmas at the Farm, Luna joins in on the festivities on Christmas Eve. After the Cricket on the Hearth takes Rose Red on a journey that night, the latter suddenly finds herself back in her own bed at the Farm. She walks over to the window and calls out to Luna, asking her what day it is. Luna responds that it is Christmas morning, and Rose comments with relief that they were able to complete everything in just one night. Rose, all set to embrace her new position as a Paladin of Hope, brings up to Luna the hardships they have endured together, especially in recent times, and questions what Luna's ultimate hope is when faced with adversity. Luna's response is left unrevealed in the narrative.[1]

Campaign for glamour

One day, Luna joins the other animal Fables in the barn to hear Reynard the Fox's latest tales of his adventures. When Mister Sunflower made a comment about the animal Fables lining up like "cattle" to vote Prince Charming in as mayor, Luna is quick to chastise him for making such a comparison. Luna then joins a large group of non-human Fables who have a raucous protest in the center of the Farm, shouting for the glamours that Charming promised them.[15]

When Luna drinks from the through next to the Farm's well, she points out to the Three Little Pigs that the water has an oddly sweet taste, leading Clara to figure out who is responsible for stealing the one of the new glamours.[16]

While being milked by the milkmaid in the barn, Luna is instructed to stop fidgeting. Luna, on the other hand, explains that her restlessness is a result of the hyperactive Bonny Lamb constantly running around her, making it difficult to remain calm. Bonny Lamb stumbles upon a box and curiously asks about its contents. Luna explains that the box contains books that Pinocchio didn't want taking up space in the blacksmith's lodge. To prevent his father Geppetto from throwing them away, he stashed them in the barn for safekeeping. As soon as Bonny Lamb opens the box, she is ecstatic to find it filled with comic books. The milkmaid cautions her not to touch others' belongings, but Luna interrupts and tells her it's a waste of time; Bonny Lamb always lives in her own fantasy world. Nevertheless, Bonny Lamb eagerly flips through the pages of the comics, and admits that she wishes that Pinocchio had picked her for his Super Team. Bonny Lamb is reminded by the milkmaid to appreciate the fact that they never had to confront Mister Dark, with Luna emphasizing that this would have resulted in the demise of all.[17]

Luna is subsequently one of the numerous animal Fables present when the victors of the Lottery for the new glamours are declared, and the glamours are cast upon them.[18]

New Camelot

Fables 145 Luna

Luna and the others find Weyland Smith's body

Luna, along with Lancelot and Maeve and a few other Fables, stumble upon the dead body of Weyland Smith in New Camelot. When Lancelot questions the length of time the body has been there, Luna bluntly admits she doesn't know, addressing him as "Mr. Lancelot, Sir." Rockford steps in to correct her, stating that Luna should refer to him as Sir Lancelot. Luna defends herself, claiming she did call him Sir. Rockford then insults her for not saying it in the proper order.[19]

Personality and traits

Luna is known to be sassy; she addressed the Butcher as "butcher boy,"[2] refers to Brock Blueheart's cult as "religious nuts" and "pamphlet-slinging nutcakes,"[13] and Bonny Lamb as a "hyperactive ball of wool" in her presence.[17] When Rose Red asks her what day it was, she replies, "What day? Seriously? Christmas morning, of course."[1] She is unafraid to express her opinions,[14][15][19] and feels strongly about people comparing other individuals to cows or cattle in a negative way; when Beast referred to Nurse Spratt as "a fat, ugly cow," she passionately expresses her disapproval of the comparison with that "creature."[14] When Mister Sunflower makes a comment about the animal Fables lining up like "cattle" to vote Prince Charming in as mayor, Luna angrily says she "resents that remark."[15]


Excellent jumper: Luna is known for being able to jump over the moon. Although the moon in question is much smaller and in closer proximity than the moon of the mundane world (providing an explanation for her ability to leap over it), it is still a remarkable feat.[3] Her ability to perform high jumps is utilized during the Battle of Fabletown,[6] and during the war with the Empire.[11]


Original source

Luna is based on the cow who jumped over the moon from the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle." The poem goes:

Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.


"Luna" is the Latin name of the moon. Her species, Bovalunaris,[2] is an obvious combination of the words "bovine" (connected with cows) and "lunar" (connected with the moon).


In the "Clamor for Glamour" story arc of Fairest, Luna is missing her spots; seemingly an oversight by the artist.

