Fables Wiki
Fables Wiki

The Literals were a family of anthropomorphic personifications of literary devices. As such, each bears a great power according to their theme. One of them is even credited to have created all the Fables. Among themselves there are certain subsets such as the Librarians, the Genres and the Walls.


Literals are a family of anthropomorphic personifications of literary devices. As such, each bears a great power according to their theme. One of them is even credited to have created all the Fables. Perhaps, the most relevant of their characteristics is their awareness of the fictional nature of their own universe, as they acknowledge the editors, artists and even the reader of the book from time to time. Among themselves there are certain subsets such as the Librarians, the Genres and the Walls. They, unlike the Fables, are truly immortal. If they died, they would simply come back to life given a few years if their theme hasn't been overtaken by another (such as it was the case with Prose Page and her daughters), and the oldest among them have existed since the beginning of time.

Powers and abilities

  • Immortality: They, unlike the Fables, are truly immortal. If they died, they would simply come back to life given a few years if their theme hasn't been overtaken by another (such as it was the case with Prose Page and her daughters), and the oldest among them have existed since the beginning of time.
  • Awareness: Perhaps, the most relevant of their characteristics is their awareness of the fictional nature of their own universe, as they acknowledge the editors, artists and even the reader of the book from time to time.

List of literals




  • Blockbuster
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Mystery
  • Noire
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • War
  • Western