Fables Wiki
This article is about the comic series character. You may be looking for his video game counterpart.

You had a good ol' time, wrecking up my shop, didn't you wolf? Well, now we're on turf where I don't gotta pay the cleanup bill...so I'm gonna paint the walls of this place with your fucking blood!
~ The Fabletown version of the Jersey Devil to Bigby Wolf, Fables: The Wolf Among Us #41 — "Chapter Forty-One"

The Jersey Devil is a Fable cryptid who comes in two incarnations:

The most prominent version works under the Crooked Man, managing the Lucky Pawn shop in Fabletown. Also known as Jersey, he debuts in Fables: The Wolf Among Us #36 — "Chapter Thirty-Six." He is a wendigo who glamours himself to pass for a human being.

A less prominent incarnation of the famous cryptid appears as a background character and prisoner at the Golden Boughs Retirement Village, and first appears in Jack of Fables #3 — "You Don't Know Jack."


Fabletown incarnation

The Fabletown version of the Jersey Devil is also known as "Jersey," and manages the Lucky Pawn, a pawnshop shop located on the Crooked Mile,[3] under the direction of his employer, the Crooked Man. Jersey is mentioned by Beauty and the Beast while Bigby Wolf is questioning them in their apartment. Bigby is informed that Jersey is employed at the Lucky Pawn and that Beauty borrowed money from him. Bigby then decides to investigate Jersey's shop.[2]

Bigby notices Jersey and the Woodsman walking up to the shop. The two enter the building arguing about the Woodsman's axe, which Woody claims was stolen from his apartment and pawned at Jersey's shop. Bigby breaks up the argument. Bigby begins questioning Jersey about the Crooked Man while Woody searches for his axe. Angered, Bigby begins to brawl with Jersey while Woody watches. Jersey drops his human glamour and attacks Bigby, while the Woodsman escapes out the door. The two fight, and Jersey soon has Bigby in a stranglehold.[3]

Out of nowhere, Woody pulls out the axe he just found and takes Jersey by surprise, landing a fierce chop to the back of his head and rendering him immobile. Bigby starts questioning him again on the whereabouts of the Crooked Man. Jersey reveals that the door to his hideout is constantly moving around the city, and that the only way to find him is with the Magic Mirror. He warns Bigby that the Crooked Man means business and will be ready for him.[4]

Bigby finds the door to the Crooked Man's hideout and enters it to find himself in an old church. Tiny Tim leads him to a meeting room where the crime boss is meeting with his associates, among whom is Jersey, his face still bruised from his brawl with Bigby.[5] Jersey pulls a gun on Bigby, but his attempt to threaten him is discouraged by the Crooked Man, who demands that he sits down and be civil.[6]

Jersey ditches his glamour and attacks Bigby along with Georgie Porgie, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The sheriff quickly gets the better of the henchpersons, incapacitating Dee and Georgie. As Vivian helps Georgie through a portal, Bigby throws Jersey into a wall. For a moment, Jersey is stunned, but he quickly regains his composure and continues his assault. In a swift movement, Bigby snaps off one of Jersey's antlers and uses it to decapitate him.[1]

Golden Boughs incarnation

The Golden Boughs version is briefly seen among the prisoners listening to Jack Horner's plans to break out of the prison.[7] It later appears next to Kiviuq, Cuchulain, the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Woodman while Jack Horner commands his soldiers during Bookburner's attack on the Golden Boughs.[8]

Original source

Jersey Devil

Both incarnations of the character are based on the Jersey Devil, a legendary cryptid from South Jersey and Philadelphia folklore.


The Fabletown version's cryptid form is based on the wendigo from Native-American mythology. While the sharp fangs, claws, and antlers seen on the Fabletown incarnation are all part of the legend,[9] modern interpretations often portray the wendigo as having a human-like body with a deer skull perched atop its shoulders and unnaturally long arms;[10] similar to that of Jersey.[3]


Fabletown incarnation

Fables: The Wolf Among Us

Golden Boughs incarnation

Jack of Fables


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fables: The Wolf Among Us #41 — "Chapter Forty-One"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fables: The Wolf Among Us #35 — "Chapter Thirty-Five"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Fables: The Wolf Among Us #36 — "Chapter Thirty-Six"
  4. Fables: The Wolf Among Us #37 — "Chapter Thirty-Seven"
  5. Fables: The Wolf Among Us #39 — "Chapter Thirty-Nine"
  6. Fables: The Wolf Among Us #40 — "Chapter Forty"
  7. Jack of Fables #3 — "You Don't Know Jack"
  8. Jack of Fables #29 — "The Book of Siege Warfare: The Books of War, Volume Two"
  9. Ostberg, René (March 28, 2024). Wendigo, Encyclopædia Britannica. "wendigo, a mythological cannibalistic monster in the spiritual tradition of North American Algonquian-speaking tribes. (...) It may have sunken or glowing eyes and sharp yellowed fangs and claws. Its lips are chewed or entirely missing because it has eaten them. It may be hairless or have fur, and it may have pointed ears and horns or antlers like a deer."
  10. Benedict, Adam (August 18, 2018). Cryptid Profile: The Wendigo, The Pine Barrens Institute. "The final (and most recognized) version of the Wendigo is very much human looking in appearance except for some monstrous traits. It had arms that appear to be too long for its body which connected to hands adorned in long claws, it is missing its lips which more clearly show a mouthful of jagged teeth and fangs. Its tongue is long and like that of a dog. Its eyes were sunk deep in its skull. It was always naked and covered in dead plant material from the swamps. (...) Simply put, it had become a modern monster. It is at this time that the Wendigo started to take on some more horrific qualities as well. The monster soon was described and depicted as having a decaying deer head (or skull) sitting upon a human-like body."

See also

Series FablesJack of FablesFairestFables: The Wolf Among UsEverafter: From the Pages of Fables
Specials Fables: 1001 Nights of SnowfallPeter & Max: A Fables NovelCinderella: From Fabletown with LoveCinderella: Fables Are ForeverThe LiteralsFables: Werewolves of the HeartlandFairest: In All the LandThe Unwritten FablesBatman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham
Characters Bigby WolfSnow WhiteRose RedPrince CharmingBeautyBeastBoy BlueFlycatcherKing ColeFrau TotenkinderGeppettoSnow QueenNorth WindJack HornerBufkin
Video games The Wolf Among UsThe Wolf Among Us 2 (unreleased)