Fables Wiki

After long ages, I speak your names to you once more. Hunger and Judgement. Once again you will cut my desires into the hidden hearts of every world.
~ Frau Totenkinder in Fables #88 — "Totenkinder: Chapter Two of Witches"

Hunger and Judgement are two powerful, magical blades owned by Frau Totenkinder. Originally presented as a pair of knitting needles debuting in Fables #3 — "Chapter Three: Blood Tells," the true nature and power of these blades are revealed when Frau Totenkinder is preparing to travel to the once-conquered Homelands of the fallen Empire. These blades function as both weapons and magical wands, serving as conduits to channel Totenkinder's magic and cast many of her most potent spells. The blades were powerful enough to gravely wound one of the Great Powers, Mister Dark; and the Big Bad Wolf.


The exact origin of when and where Judgement and Hunger were crafted remains unknown. However, Totenkinder had been storing her magic within the daggers for the past few centuries. When Mr. Dark threatened every citizen in Fabletown, Frau Totenkinder reverted the knitting needles back to their original form permanently when she was preparing to travel to the once-conquered Homelands of the fallen Empire.[1] There, she sought to study and learn everything she could about Mr. Dark before challenging him to a duel.

Frau Totenkinder VS Mister Dark

Frau Totenkinder wielding her daggers in combat with Mister Dark

Upon her return to the mundane world, Mr. Dark accepted her invitation to a magic duel.[5] Totenkinder traveled to his castle, which now stood upon the ruins of the destroyed Woodlands Luxury Apartments. There, she used her daggers to perform extraordinary magic, dispelling and countering the attacks of the Great Power, while also conjuring and transforming herself into legendary beasts that rivaled Mr. Dark's godlike powers of destruction.[2]

As the duel reached its conclusion with Totenkinder ending victorious, she revealed to him that she, like him, also cheated by brining allies into the fight. By exploiting his aversion to gold and help of Clara the raven, she melted the gold onto his body, turning him into a golden statue, with the intention of trapping him forever. However, this imprisonment did not last long, as Mr. Dark eventually freed himself later and, in a fit of rage, attacked Totenkinder when she was unprepared. After their brawl, which ended with an exhausted Mr. Dark emerging victorious, Totenkinder fled to the Farm. There, she decided she had done all she could and was done with war. She left with her husband to live in peace.[2]

Eventually, Totenkinder was forced to call upon the power of her daggers once again when she learned of an evil but controlled resurrected Bigby Wolf attempting to destroy Fabletown. She easily subdued Bigby and attempted to decapitate his left arm. However, the evil enchantress Leigh Duglas, who was responsible for the attack, intervened. Upon making contact with Bigby's skin, Leigh used her dark magic to destroy Judgement. Totenkinder was left with only one dagger, resulting in her losing half of her stored power.[3]

The remaining dagger, Hunger, was used one final time while Totenkinder was preparing to fight Cinderella in Fabletown. By placing her hand on the dagger, she cast a spell to freeze Cinderella in place, questioning her loyalty before Cindy was able to break free from the spell and eventually killed Totenkinder after a various duel before passing away slowly herself afterwards.[4]

Magical effects and appearance

Hunger and Judgement appear as ordinary knitting needles when concealed. However, once they reform into their true appearance, they take the form of sharp metal daggers, imbued with fast and potent magic linked directly to Frau Totenkinder herself. These daggers do not only function for combat but also serve as magical wands, allowing Totenkinder to channel her magic.

During her duel with Mister Dark, Totenkinder had linked several spells to trigger words and used her daggers to enact these spells against her opponent.[2] The daggers also stored a great deal of the power she had accumulated over the centuries as it seem to contain a large portion of Totenkinder's magical potency, as when Judgement broke, she lost half of her stored power.[3]


