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Fables Wiki
Fables 27 Totenkinder
"In that one story they simply won't forget, at least they never knew my name"
This article is about a subject whose real name is unknown, and is known only by a title, nickname, alias or description

Frankenstein's monster,[1] nicknamed Frankie, is a creature made from human body parts, created by Doctor Frankenstein.[2]


During the first World War, a group of German scientists attempted to replicate Dr. Frankenstein's experiments, hoping to create an endless army of indestructible troops for the front lines. However, they were unsuccessful; the secrets of the doctor's process had died with him. During World War II, the monster was reassembled[2] by German Nazis in Frankenstein's old castle,[3] who were hoping that Frankenstein's original creation could at least be of some use to them. When Bigby and a squad of Allied soldiers stormed the castle, Bigby attempted to thwart their efforts by dismembering the monster, but the creature quipped that he would not allow that, and the two had a big fight. Bigby emerged as the victor and was able to tear the creature's head off, before the castle was destroyed in an explosion by one of Bigby's fellow soldiers, presumably destroying the creature's body along with it.[2]

Bigby brought the still living head to Fabletown, where it was in kept in a cage in the Business Office in the Woodlands building. The creature was nicknamed "Frankie" and Bigby dropped by to have chats with him from time to time. The creature spends most of his time sleeping, since there isn't much else for him to do, except for when Flycatcher, Boy Blue or Bufkin has the time to read to him. At one point, circa 1994, they tried giving him a television, but Bufkin "kept going crazy" with the remote and nearly drove Frankie insane, so they gave up on that. He often has phantom thirst, but is not supposed to be given drinks, because the last time someone did that, the water ran out his neck and rust out the bottom of his cage.[2]

Frankie is Bufkin's dear friend and ally, and teams up with him and the others trapped in the Business Office when they discover that they're stuck with Baba Yaga. He is also good friends with the Magic Mirror.

Original source

Fables 20 Pinocchio reading Frankenstein

Pinocchio reading the Frankenstein novel

He is based on Frankenstein's monster from the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. In the novel, the monster is unnamed, although when speaking to his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the monster does say "I ought to be thy Adam," in reference to the first man created in the Bible.[4] The Fables Encyclopedia erroneously states that the creature from Shelley's novel is called Adam.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fables Encyclopedia pg. 87
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Fables #29 — "Frankenstein Versus the Wolf Man: War Stories, Part Two"
  3. Fables #28 — "Dog Company: War Stories, Part One"
  4. Tearle, Dr. Oliver, "The Meaning and Origin of 'I Ought to Be thy Adam; but I Am Rather the Fallen Angel'", Interesting Literature. "Here's a question for you. What is the name of the 'monster' in Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein?

    a) Frankenstein
    b) He doesn't have one
    c) Adam

    The correct answer is b), and (at a push) possibly c), but never a). Frankenstein, of course, is the name of the creator of the 'monster' (...) Technically, the being whom Frankenstein creates doesn't have a name as such, but there's a telling passage which reveals much about both how he views himself, as well as the influences on Shelley's novel: Oh, Frankenstein, be not equitable to every other and trample upon me alone, to whom thy justice, and even thy clemency and affection, is most due. Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.'I ought to be thy Adam': the Creature is referring to the Creation story from the Book of Genesis"

  5. Fables #20 — "Red, White and Blue: Chapter Two — March of the Wooden Soldiers"

See also

Series FablesJack of FablesFairestFables: The Wolf Among UsEverafter: From the Pages of Fables
Specials Fables: 1001 Nights of SnowfallPeter & Max: A Fables NovelCinderella: From Fabletown with LoveCinderella: Fables Are ForeverThe LiteralsFables: Werewolves of the HeartlandFairest: In All the LandThe Unwritten FablesBatman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham
Characters Bigby WolfSnow WhiteRose RedPrince CharmingBeautyBeastBoy BlueFlycatcherKing ColeFrau TotenkinderGeppettoSnow QueenNorth WindJack HornerBufkin
Video games The Wolf Among UsThe Wolf Among Us 2 (unreleased)