"Kingdom: Chapter Eight of The Good Prince" is the sixty-eighth issue in Fables.
Publisher's summary
"The Good Prince," Part 8. Flycatcher's new kingdom of Haven continues to be a thorn in the Emperor's side, and the maddened Emperor simply will not have it. He has a war to prepare and can't be distracted by a small-time upstart within the boundaries of his own empire. No more fooling around then. It's time to send in the empire's most elite troops against Fly and his ragtag band of revolutionaries.
Flycatcher's ghost army haunts the souls of every Empire soldier, making them flee and executed later for failure by the Empire itself. Everyone begins talking about Haven and Flycatcher, so Geppetto orders the formation of the Golden Horde. A bird tells Flycatcher during a baseball game that another Empire army is coming, but he magically faints. Flycatcher tells them that he will be gone, Flycatcher surrenders himself to the Empire and prepares to be killed by them.