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Fables Wiki

"Deeper into the Woods: A Camelot Interlude" is the one-hundred-and-thirty-fourth issue of Fables.

Publisher's summary

This interlude issue takes place in Bigby Wolf's favorite hunting forest, which is the Platonic ideal of the deep dark woods. In fact, it's so perfect in every detail, it can't possibly exist in real life. Rather, what we should have said is, it can't possibly exist in this life. But it would fit nicely as a heaven for wolves in the afterlife. And so it is.


Bigby, in full wolf form, finds himself in a wilderness in the afterlife. He finds Boy Blue and they talk. Boy Blue tells Bigby that when he goes back into the real world, he needs to get Stinky to end the cult. He says that Bigby is important enough to come back, unlike himself. Boy Blue leaves and Darien enters. Bigby hugs him and they talk about what happened to Darien.
