"The Next Big Plan: Chapter One of Super Team" is the one-hundred-and-second issue of Fables.
Publisher's summary
This issue begins a 5-part story called "Super Group!" Now why, oh why, in this crazy mixed-up world would we saddle an important funny-book series that has, in 100 issues so far, never had anything to do with Super Heroes with a title like that? And why has snotty little Pinocchio suddenly got it into his head that he needs to design tight-fitting costumes for a carefully selected small team of Fables? In fact, why was the little brat caught looking over his own comic book collection, mumbling things like, "We can call him Werewolf Man, and he can be the Golden Knight, and she can be called The Green Witch?" To quote master Fables illustrator Mark Buckingham: "What the bloody is going on here?"
Flycatcher brings Bigby to Haven, where important things are happening. The North Wind finds out that his secret grandson, Ghost, is a zephyr. However, he doesn't want to kill him, even though he swore he would kill all zephyrs. At Haven, Ozma is part of a superhero-themed team of superheroes to go after Mr. Dark. Meanwhile, Beauty is scared that Mr. Dark is free again, but Beast promises her that he will keep Beauty and their daughter Bliss safe. Flycatcher shows Bigby that Mr. Dark is right outside of Haven's magical barrier, and he is getting closer every day to breaking the wall. Flycatcher tells Bigby that Ozma is assembling a strike team consisting of her, Bigby and several others.
The restaurant where Nurse Spratt enjoys her meals is Gottfried's Steak House, the same establishment where Prince Charming laid eyes on Molly Greenbaum in Fables #1 — "Chapter One: Old Tales Revisited."