Fables Wiki

Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book Ten is a special hardcover edition collecting Fables issues #83-85, Jack of Fables issues #33-35, The Literals issues #1-3, and the original graphic novel Werewolves of the Heartland. It was released on May 13, 2015.[1]

Publisher's summary

In an epic from FABLES #77-82, JACK OF FABLES #33-35, and THE LITERALS #1-3, the existence of the Fables is threatened by The Literals, who just don't like their messy, mythical lives. And in the original graphic novel FABLES: WEREWOLVES OF THE HEARTLAND, Bigby Wolf goes on a quest to find a new location for Fabletown, only to find a village populated by werewolves![1]


