Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book Seven is a special hardcover edition collecting Fables issues #52-59 and #64. It was released on August 28, 2013.[1]
Publisher's summary
In this collection of issues #52-59 and 64, preparation for the war against the Empire begins, and the Adversary consults with the Imperial Elite to decide what to do about Fabletown. Then, Bigby confronts his father, the North Wind, while the cubs celebrate their birthday![1]
- Introduction by Jenette Kahn
- "Sons of Empire" (#52-#55)
- "Jiminy Christmas" (#56)
- "Father and Son" (#57-#58)
- "Burning Questions" (#59)
- "The Birthday Secret" (#64)
- Treasures from the Woodland Vaults: alternate covers, character designs, concept art
- Biographies